I've just played the wierdest game of Gal Civ 2 yet, and I gotta say it has me baffled...
gigantic map, me and 6 alien races... within 50 turns or so the Torian confederation falls to the You Collective and hands off its remaining worlds to the Altarians. Some turns later the Drengin are vanquished by the Altarians and give thier worlds to the Thalan Empire (Drengin cant have put up much of a fight they owned a quarter of the galaxy when they handed over thier worlds..odd..but anyway I digress).
My the "New Types" psionically evolved human strain... have founded a fairly large Republic off on one corner of the map, my nearest neighbour is the Dominion of Korx, they delcare war on ym pretty early as Im saintly..and they get pummeled, but I havent gotten Planetary invasion yet so apart from decimating thier fleet entirely I am froced at this time to leave thier worlds alone, simply blockading them and destorying any ships as they make them...eventually the ask for peace and I accept and head back to reinforce my economy and continue building up my starbases around each of my worlds.
through the process of colonisation I have 4 colonies separated from the main body of my others in the corner... 3 together with the terran alliance on one side and the Dominion of Korx and the Yor on the other...and one completely on its own surrounded by the Thalan Empire and the Yor Collective in the middle of the map... anyway forward a few dozen more turns and suddenly half the map is covered in Dominion of Korx Influence? thier borders push mine back despite my maximised influence starbases putting my 4 spearate worlds firmly in thier influence and of course possible rebellion notices tart appearing...
I find this odd however as the Dominion has built ZERO starbases, gained no new colony worlds and the worlds they do have with the exception of two are a long long way from my separated colonies. If you imagine a gigantic map im in the middle of the top half the dominion of in the very top right corner and a little toward the middle of the right hand side (the 2 worlds closest to my separate colonies)..thier radius of influence is covering an immense area.. tech wise they have fewer influence raising techs researched than I do, no influence modifiers via race benefits and no starbases...so im perplexed...
Anyway forward a hundred or so more turns... and suddenly the dominion of korx radius of influence covers the entire map pretty much pushing not only my own influence borders back completely around my separate worls but pushing them back somewhat around my core colonies...as well as those of every other empire... yet again the dominion has gained no new worlds, built no starbases except a handful of resource utilising ones near thier homeworld??????? Worlds from the other empires start reblelling all otver the place and i'm suddenly frantically building a fleet to take thier worlds in order to remove thier influence..
But i just dont get it, how the heck can they possibly get an influence radius that covers an entire gigantic map when thier worlds are as noted mostly in the top right corner and they have no starbases, significant influence techs or influence race benefits?? something is seriously wonky somewhere...
Anyone else had a similar experience?