Here I will chronicle my gaming adventures.
Published on January 29, 2008 By NeoWolfen In Ideas
Here are a few ideas I have for features i'd like to see.

1. Cloaking tech, it would be nice to have some stealth technologies to help with spying, ambushing etc.. this would obviously need balancing and some opposite stealth detection techs but i think cloaking devices etc..are fairly enjoyable standard sci fi fare and id like to see them in my favourite game.

2. more static space features.. we have more map features now like asteroids but it would be good to have other things too like comets, pulsars, quasars, nebulae gas clouds, black holes, dark matter, permanent wormholes etc.. as features on the map too. these features could be for a variety of things some as resources (various effects) harnassable by a new class of harvesting ship or starbase, or as navigational hazards to slow or hinder fleet movements, things like permanent wormholes linking two distant parts of the map would also be fairly big tactical assets early on in the game before distance and speed techs are researched.

3. I know this is probably a bit Moo2 but i miss space monsters lol it would be nice to have some stellar lifeform that needs taking care of pop up now and then.

4. More events!!! things like asteroid strikes (built improvements and population reductions), new resources found (planetary quality improvement, or tile resource added or improved), unknown alien fleet strikes 9bit like pirate attacks on trade route or escaped penal colonist events), refugees (population increase on a world or a few random ships added to fleet), wormhole discovery! (wormhole added to map near random world in your influence, links to a random sector), Challenge to Rule (an opposing faction in your empire tries to take control via a coup, your fleet must defeat theres if you fail a handful of worlds break off and form an independant empire, new minor race), Supernova!!! (a star is about to go supernova destroying all worlds in that system unless a way can be found in time to prevent it, unique research to avoid the problem within set time frame, repeatable event and research), Subspace tear (a tear in subspace has caused space travel within several secotrs impossible, some way must be found to repear the tear, no movment by vessel in an area of effect until a unique tech is researched, repeatable event), new World discovery (a planetary system has been discovered that was previously unknown, adds random star+planets to map) and so on...

5. Call me old fashioned but if the dread lords can turn up as a super event it would be nice if the precursors can too just so we can have a friendly bada** to counter the evil bada**

6. Some orbital structures would be nice for planetary improvements, like a shipyard (increases ship build time), orbital processors (production increase), space hotel (economy increase), defence satellites (planetary defence increase), Survellance network (penatly to enemy espionage on that world), orbital telescope (espionage and sensor bonus), biospheres (population increase), etc.. all these would not use a tile on the plent but appear orbiting around it on the planet details screen like landed ships do. The planetary quality of a world could determine how many orbital sctructures a world can support and all would have a maintenance cost like starbases. This would be a nice way of giving limited bonuses that doesnt just involve sneding a scout ship on automated explore to hopefully find some permanent bonus giving anomoly.

7. Borders!!! i fail to see the point of being able to see everyones area of influence when you have no way except all out war of enforcing your border.. i want to be able to say get your ships the hell out of my borders or remove that starbase from next to my planets without having to blow it up. in this regard diplomacy needs more options. Also as far as diplomacy goes i want to be able to grant or request passage and/or building rights within my or my neighbours territories diplomatically, I want the option to try and diplomatically ask minor races to succeede independance and join my empire without only being able to conquer them. I want to be able to demand an enemey stops spying on me or face the consequences. I want to be able to be able to be close to a race without it being as full blown alliance some step below alliance that says we will help if we can but dont go demanding we declare war every 5 minutes or else the alliance is off.. all the time. Perhaps the option to build an embassy on another races world (no tile usage) to get a diplomatic bonus with that race and open up the options to open trade routes, economic or research treatis that way only once an embassy has been built within that races empire.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 02, 2008
1-Rebuild Solar System .

2-Star Base . Personnel in starbase .

3-Class spaceship's. Personnel in spaceship's .


Some new ideas.

1-Rebuild Solar system.

No limit, but player can build only on determined distance .

2 stage Good planet ( atmosphere suitable to breathing of the selected race ).

better planet class more energy .

Better Solar System - more energy .

2-Star Base. Personnel in star base

I wrote above on Space solar power stations ( SSPS ), need more star base not only

Economical , Military , Terror Star and Influence

1-Production of provisions
2-Space Port ( production Spaceship ) been good if big Spaceship can make only in space because they are realy big .
3 Economical base i I wrote above in star base , on last post .
4 Military can train personnel for Spaceship ( mb 1 k for 1 move or less because for learning a good pilots need time ) , I wrote above in buildings , on last post . and can train space marines ( mb 100k on 1 move in game, so this been good , players realy need been keep soldiers ). better modules more personal on 1 move.
5 SSPS base.
6 Research base.
7 United Centre of the defence only 1 on 4 sectors. co-ordinates actions all military base , Spaceship's and other defense and attack units, increasy their speed ,defense and more . in 4 sectors.
in high teechnology , mb he can protect systems from Terror Star.
8 Terror Star.
9 Star gates.

for production star base need , energy and mineraals (energy from SSPS )( minerals from asteroids mb ).
dont need contructor all time . He needs only to begin construction.
For upgreids need , energy and mineral.

4-Class spaceship's , Personnel in spaceship's.

fighter 1 man or 3 if better technology level .

bomber 6 7 or more .

destroyer 70 80 or more.

battleship 400 500 or more .

dreadnought 1k or more.

Star Base its a realy giant construction on space .
need mass personal 10 20 k.

I wrote above on last post above personal in star base .

Population not immortal , it must is changed , need all time train personal , if stopped we lose history and experience what our personal has gained in battle .

Mb need Liders Capitan's or General's with unique ability , their been increise economic or military and other.

Update - persoal , Class spaceship's , Lider's .
on Jul 05, 2008
Now play all time in Immense galaxy or in Giant .

Its impossible play with no star gates , because enormous distances and spaceship's fly 15 or 10 move's. Above this i wrote on last post's. More casual events ( different )( catastrophe and other ) . But if race having diarrhea
, she all time finds artifact power ( stopped this plz 79 % what she can found this ) this bored .

Some new ideas about space resource.

They mast been different with different bonuses.

For example .

Morale bonuses -

beautiful Crystals give 5% morale and + 5% economic .
Gold + 4% morale and + 7% economic.
Platinum + 5% morale and + 10% ecnomic.
Rekreacionnye resource +7% population grown and + 4% morale.

Military .

Armor material's + 5% hit point and + 10% armor .
Uniq Crystals + 7% energy weapon's.
Uniq propellent +7% Rocket Weapon .
Uniq energy + 5% speed and +5% sheilds.

And Ecomomic. mb like Oil or Gas . uniq oil and gus

on Jul 06, 2008
New Ideas about Political Formation in GalCiv.

All see film Star Ship Troopers.

Been good if only population who has ed in armies , can influence upon political situation in GalCiv.

Veterans can train recruit . Above this i wrote on last posts.

People not immortal , and they die .

Change leader. New liders its , Veteran's . Their chooses player all time in game . All with uniq abilitys. That who did not protect its state can not take laws in him , and control him .

Pilot - fighter or bomber .

Captain- Control 1 ship. big ship( like destroyer )

Colonel- Control ( bigest ships like Dreadnought )

General - Control Fleet

Sovereign Commander in-chief control all army .

All mast have abilitys .

Ofc this been so hard . and need restrictions . only in medium of the game .

Player can have this army .

Last stadion

The most main man . He control all army , planets - too need uniq abilitys.

Need . More High contents of the weapon's , and only powerfull civi can have giant and powered space army .

This Idea's which I have not finished.

Sometimes update.

on Jul 06, 2008
1 question sometimes some1 read this ? .
on Aug 05, 2008
Hello one and all..
Let me first say onething,I am not into gaming.All these are greek and latin to me and coool.HATS OFF..

But I do need a favour from you.
I am a amaetuer writer and my next plotline is around time travel.
My idea is to use a naturally uncovered (archeological site??)wormhole through which
two different people from two different timeline come into a third(future) timeline
Is it possible to use a wormhole as an entrance and can anyone please help me with more
scientific details of how to unearth such a thing and how to use it for reentry ,the paradoxes if any.
I tried all sci fi sites.Nowhere i can find a relativity for two timetravellers at the same time.
Since you guys are more creative in this line.I hope i can get a good guideline...

thnx in advance
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