Here I will chronicle my gaming adventures.
Published on August 25, 2010 By NeoWolfen In WOM Support

Okay so I got the latest patch woohoo! or um not so much as per usual it has created issues while fixing others.

New issues I've noticed thus far.

1.  Can no longer access Sovereigns EQUIP screen.  You moved the button from the portrait to an EQUIP button choice inside the character panel as far as I can tell where champions are concerned but the sovereign has no equip button anywhere inside OR outside of the character panel.

2.  Horses.. if you have someone on a horse then they do not shrink back/grow when you zoom in and out they just stay HUGE, whereas if you have a warg it does like normal.  I have my sovereigns army he is on a warg and his assassin companion is on a horse, but she is HUGE and he is normal it looks wierd.

3.  Effects issue in the Workshop, so I was pottering about in the workshop making a tile i put a 3 part particle effect on it, changed the color, positioned it, re-sized it all was well, then I added a second separate effect onto the tile and things went wierd.  The first effect changed color and in the edit window appears tiny (not zoomed out, just really tiny), whereas on the tile it appears normal size (the one I chose), so i go back into the edit option and change the color back to what I had chosen but no matter what it ignores the changes to color, effect duration or indeed any options for it.  I tried removing the second separate effect from the tile but the first now no matter what will not remember the changes i make to the first effect anymore.

on Aug 25, 2010

To access the equipment screen, click on the sword shield "button" to the left of your Hit Points.  It's the similar to how you access your spell book by clicking the square spellbook button to the left of your Sovereign's mana bar.