Another patch, more fixes but again more issues too
Major issues found of this patch
1. Noone in your army regenerates Action Points between turns when fighting a battle as opposed to auto resolving one.
2. Still many summoned creatures who have abilities that require mana yet have no mana, which pretty much DEFEATS the point.
3. Game crashes if you exit to main and abandon game and then try to reload a game without fail, every time.
4. Ships are way too slow takes forever to get anywhere with them, please up thier moves.
5. I like the new exclamation promts for resources you havent developed yet in your sphere of influence, however it also directs me to build on resources I cannot because of faction develop. I.e if Empire it tells me to build on wild horses, which I am not allowed to do.
6. Still able to produce duplicates of 1 allowed buildings so long as you have the available resources and money to buy another after placing the first. However if you exit the improvement menu and then open it again after placing the first then the choice to place a duplicate is no longer there. Obviously this could be abused.
7. When vieweing a neighbours heroes for trade via the foreign relations screen you really need some mouse over info or the ability to see thier card from the diplomacy screen otherwise you have no idea what they have/can do and only have the number to go on.
8. Faction creator is great but 10 points seems to go WAY further than what the default factions offer, i mean im not complaining but a custom made faction is MASSIVELY superior to a default one. Also they have no tech trees so although can create them you can't use them. I guess the tech tree creator is a work in progress?