Here I will chronicle my gaming adventures.
Published on August 25, 2010 By NeoWolfen In WOM Support

Another patch, more fixes but again more issues too

Major issues found of this patch

1. Noone in your army regenerates Action Points between turns when fighting a battle as opposed to auto resolving one.

2.  Still many summoned creatures who have abilities that require mana yet have no mana, which pretty much DEFEATS the point.

3.  Game crashes if you exit to main and abandon game and then try to reload a game without fail, every time.

4.  Ships are way too slow takes forever to get anywhere with them, please up thier moves.

5.  I like the new exclamation promts for resources you havent developed yet in your sphere of influence, however it also directs me to build on resources I cannot because of faction develop.  I.e if Empire it tells me to build on wild horses, which I am not allowed to do.

6.  Still able to produce duplicates of 1 allowed buildings so long as you have the available resources and money to buy another after placing the first.  However if you exit the improvement menu and then open it again after placing the first then the choice to place a duplicate is no longer there.  Obviously this could be abused.

7.  When vieweing a neighbours heroes for trade via the foreign relations screen you really need some mouse over info or the ability to see thier card from the diplomacy screen otherwise you have no idea what they have/can do and only have the number to go on.

8.  Faction creator is great but 10 points seems to go WAY further than what the default factions offer, i mean im not complaining but a custom made faction is MASSIVELY superior to a default one.  Also they have no tech trees so although can create them you can't use them.  I guess the tech tree creator is a work in progress?

on Aug 25, 2010

9. The tactical battle - the projectiles (missles, fireball) dissapearing randomly. Sound effects are dissapearing also.

10. Please, please add a patch line to moving units. Looking for X sign in zoom out is a pain.

11. Please add grouping tag. So the army left in the city could be taken out of it with single click.

12. Please add possibility to rearrange units stack. I wish to put my injured soldiers in the back row, but now I just can't.

on Aug 25, 2010

Neo, I think they said in the patch notes that you can't create Empire factions because of the problem you just mentioned - no tech trees.  I've successfully created a Kingdom faction without any problems.  Hope this helps.

on Aug 25, 2010

13.  Sovereign on overland map randomly becomes unselectable directly and cannot move on the overland map (even the teleport cheat doesnt work on him for the purposes of moving it).  he can be selected via the icon lidt on thr left of th UI but still cannot be moved.

on Aug 25, 2010

14. Ogres Camp issues - so I take an npc neighbouring town with an ogre camp..finally now the town i took it from had one guarding it with 40 or so health and 156 attack, it wasnt a levelled up ogre.  Anyone after taking the town I make an ogre and i get something like 12/26 statwise.  Why are my produced ogres so lame in comparison tot hose the npc's propduce?  There is something SERIUSLY off with attack score scaling for npc beasts produced or randomly spawning.

on Aug 25, 2010

15.  Not sure if it intended to work this way but it seems a little odd, notable locations like dungeons and chests etc 2 or 3 levels above my own notable research tech level are appearing on the map to me now, which seems a bit odd considering I cannot explore them yet.  Should they not only be appearing AFTER i have sufficient tech to use them as they were in the original version?

on Aug 25, 2010

16.  I had a son come of age who had the trait that his father did (i forget the name) that grants 2 free sentinels, however my son did not get 2 free sentinels.

on Aug 25, 2010

17.  When using auto-search for a party they stop doing so as soon as they border any impassable tile even if there is more unexplored land.

on Aug 25, 2010

Fireball randomly missing was always there. Sound effects missing is new. Yes, my main hero hasn't been able to use a spell now because his action points stays at 1.7.

on Aug 25, 2010

18. When casting overland spells with a champion, their mana does not go down (graphically) as they use up their magic.  For example, a champion could cast raise land a couple of times and still show 13/13 mana.  Mana still goes down behind the scenes though so it's only a confusing graphical glitch.


19. I still get a graphical glitch where one or more of my cities simply changes name and color to match one of the other factions.  It does not affect gameplay at all but it looks a bit silly and is confusing. For example as I discover the Polapel faction, suddenly one or two of my cities will switch to Polapel's color and name.  Renaming your city does solve this glitch but frankly a player shouldn't have to do this. 


On the plus side, game is far more stable and runs more smoothly as well.  Keep up the good work.

on Aug 25, 2010

19. No click at the EndTurn Button at strategic map. In tactical there is 'something' 

[I messed up little with video settings and last hour I've had all sounds, all missles, all spells visible!]

20. Sometimes mousouver unit stack doesn't show true unit HP at the right-bottom card. Happened once with wounded peasant who was 5th in a stack of 6. Card showed full HP.

on Aug 25, 2010

21. Battle "freezes" after attacking a ranged unit, can provide savegame

22. tried to cat teleport but it did not work, it only lifted the fog of war, army remained where it was and mana was deducted

23. found settlement button is alwaysdisplayed in actions-list

24. units spawning randomly on the battlemap, i had my elite forces on the enemy's side, also they stacked on the same field

25. name and faction of city not displaying correctly

26. when a city with a crystal shrine is razed the shrine is destroyed and the crystal shard becomes useless



weird, i was just evaded a pack dragon with a battle rating of 1194 and was attacked by an army with a catapult (they also had some archers who froze the battle) when i thought about the scene from record of lodoss where the dragon kills a whole army

on Aug 25, 2010

I have WAY worse preformance in this patch than i did with 1.02 (or 1.05 before the hotfix, i think).
Also i crash so much now its unplayable, before i could play for an hour or more before crashing, now it crashes even in the early-game.. Sigh, the messed something up.