Here I will chronicle my gaming adventures.
Published on January 29, 2008 By NeoWolfen In Ideas
Here are a few ideas I have for features i'd like to see.

1. Cloaking tech, it would be nice to have some stealth technologies to help with spying, ambushing etc.. this would obviously need balancing and some opposite stealth detection techs but i think cloaking devices etc..are fairly enjoyable standard sci fi fare and id like to see them in my favourite game.

2. more static space features.. we have more map features now like asteroids but it would be good to have other things too like comets, pulsars, quasars, nebulae gas clouds, black holes, dark matter, permanent wormholes etc.. as features on the map too. these features could be for a variety of things some as resources (various effects) harnassable by a new class of harvesting ship or starbase, or as navigational hazards to slow or hinder fleet movements, things like permanent wormholes linking two distant parts of the map would also be fairly big tactical assets early on in the game before distance and speed techs are researched.

3. I know this is probably a bit Moo2 but i miss space monsters lol it would be nice to have some stellar lifeform that needs taking care of pop up now and then.

4. More events!!! things like asteroid strikes (built improvements and population reductions), new resources found (planetary quality improvement, or tile resource added or improved), unknown alien fleet strikes 9bit like pirate attacks on trade route or escaped penal colonist events), refugees (population increase on a world or a few random ships added to fleet), wormhole discovery! (wormhole added to map near random world in your influence, links to a random sector), Challenge to Rule (an opposing faction in your empire tries to take control via a coup, your fleet must defeat theres if you fail a handful of worlds break off and form an independant empire, new minor race), Supernova!!! (a star is about to go supernova destroying all worlds in that system unless a way can be found in time to prevent it, unique research to avoid the problem within set time frame, repeatable event and research), Subspace tear (a tear in subspace has caused space travel within several secotrs impossible, some way must be found to repear the tear, no movment by vessel in an area of effect until a unique tech is researched, repeatable event), new World discovery (a planetary system has been discovered that was previously unknown, adds random star+planets to map) and so on...

5. Call me old fashioned but if the dread lords can turn up as a super event it would be nice if the precursors can too just so we can have a friendly bada** to counter the evil bada**

6. Some orbital structures would be nice for planetary improvements, like a shipyard (increases ship build time), orbital processors (production increase), space hotel (economy increase), defence satellites (planetary defence increase), Survellance network (penatly to enemy espionage on that world), orbital telescope (espionage and sensor bonus), biospheres (population increase), etc.. all these would not use a tile on the plent but appear orbiting around it on the planet details screen like landed ships do. The planetary quality of a world could determine how many orbital sctructures a world can support and all would have a maintenance cost like starbases. This would be a nice way of giving limited bonuses that doesnt just involve sneding a scout ship on automated explore to hopefully find some permanent bonus giving anomoly.

7. Borders!!! i fail to see the point of being able to see everyones area of influence when you have no way except all out war of enforcing your border.. i want to be able to say get your ships the hell out of my borders or remove that starbase from next to my planets without having to blow it up. in this regard diplomacy needs more options. Also as far as diplomacy goes i want to be able to grant or request passage and/or building rights within my or my neighbours territories diplomatically, I want the option to try and diplomatically ask minor races to succeede independance and join my empire without only being able to conquer them. I want to be able to demand an enemey stops spying on me or face the consequences. I want to be able to be able to be close to a race without it being as full blown alliance some step below alliance that says we will help if we can but dont go demanding we declare war every 5 minutes or else the alliance is off.. all the time. Perhaps the option to build an embassy on another races world (no tile usage) to get a diplomatic bonus with that race and open up the options to open trade routes, economic or research treatis that way only once an embassy has been built within that races empire.
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on Jan 29, 2008
8. when decomissioning a ship that has tech on it i dont have i want a chance of being able to learn it.

9. i want to be able to capture.board enemy ships not just blow them to smithereens, same with starbases, this would add another dynamic to battles as enemies dont just try to annihilate everything you have but take it over.

10.. more hulls, jewels and extras1!!!!!

11. "Discovery of Abandoned Outpost" Event, we have the odd discovery of precursor corvettes and ranger events, but to find an abandoned precursors space station of some sort would be nice too.

12. "Discovery of Precursor Ruins" event, again we have events where some new npc faction world pops up but how about an event that turns a previously uncolonisable world into a colonisable one under the pretext of discovering the ruins of pre-cursor settlement, gaining a new colony with a few random improvements and a high planet quality.

13. "Discovery of Precursor Tech" super event, essentially adding a few special unique techs that are not researchable or obtainable any other way except via thir introduction via a super event. Once introduced they could be obtained by others via espionage or conquering an enemy world etc..

14. "Discovery of Dread Lord vessels" event, well we now know the precursor corvettes and rangers we find are of Arnor construction and as only one side of the coin, why can we not also find via event the odd dread lord battleship or corvettes too?

15. "Clones and Robots" very MOO2 again, but what about an ability to research via tech trees the option to produce facilities that add to a planets population a % of clones or robots which could have various bonuses (soldiering, industry or whatever, while causing a nominal happiness penalty the greater the portion of a population that is artifical).

16. "Alien Colonies" atm when you conquer an enemy world it has no significance whether the original population were Yor, arcean, Humans or whatever, you simply take over, keep building etc.. but it would be nice to have conquered, surrendered worlds remain of the species they were or at least (again moo2 inspired0 be given the option to leave the population as is or kill them all genocidally in a bout of ethnic cleansing (tut tut) and replace them with your own. This becomes more viable with the advent of species only tech and buildings via ToA as you could have the option of keeping such race specific structures on a world if you keep the native populace or losing access to them and auto decomissioning them if you replace the populace with your own 9and thus can then put your own species only buildings on the world).

17. Terraforming Ships, how about a tech to research that will let you add terraforming modules to ships, 1st tier of the tech only becomes available once you know soil enrichment and lets your ships terraforming module terraform a world 9turning soil enrichment squares into usaeble squares, same as building a soil enrichment), 2nd tier of tech works as habitat improvement, 3rd tier of terraforming... whats the point when i can just add them to the build que you ask? well thats it it would give a ship to build something without you needing to use the build que so your planet could be building your facotries or whatever while the terraformer works on terraforming the planet for you from orbit.

18. Fighter bays for ships, call me old fashion but if i build a big battleship i want fighter hangers and i want my fighters to swarm around my enemy while my lasers, missiles and mass drivers are firing away! we can build fighter bays on space stations (of a fashion) so why not ships! I know these have been an issue elsewhere but even if they are largely only for appearances and just give and attack or defence bonus to the ship they are put on, it would be nice to have them as they are very sci fi.

19. More Race Specific Soldiering Options, all the invasion options are nice but id like some race specific soldiering options too, so Yor could have some big mechs, altarians some aerial bombers, terrans some big tanks etc...etc.. the invasion system (tactics aside0 is vsiually and available optionswise very run of the mill same for everyone.

20. Fleet Combat, one thing i have noticed is that if you have a space battle with a fleet of ships and it doesnt go to the zoomed in space combat map (where all ships fire) then only the first ship in the fleet does the fighting, and if it gets destroyed the next etc... meaning the ships fight in a que with the one at the front doing the fighting and the next man not having a go unless the first dies... which kinda defeats the point of forming a fleet? it would be nice if aqll ships fought even if it doesnt go to the zoomed in battle screen, if only so not only the same ship is getting damage all the time.

21. Ship Yards, As an alternate version to the suggested orbital structure, how about a ship yard type of starbase that via various base modifications can improve or speed up ship construction or add various bonuses, or certaain sizes of ship or ship tech only be includable via a shipyard as opposed to a surface based ship building facility? these would be a nice option and become a great tactical target to go for.

22. Planet Type Specific Colony structures, how about some researchable structures that are only available on specific kinds of planets.. so kelp farms only being buildable on water worlds, solar farms on deserts, gas mining facility on toxic worlds, radioactives mine on radioactive worlds etc...etc.. this would add another angle to the game and also provide additional incentives for colonising certain kinds of worlds. These would be a nice complement to the race specific structures that have now been added, but instead of being race specific they are environment specific.
on Jan 29, 2008
I would go for every single one. Especially the boarding enemy ships and starbases functionality.

Good job Neowolf.
on Jan 29, 2008
Go buy "Space Empires V". It has most of the features you ask for and some you didn't (sphere and ring worlds for instance, along with star creation).

Unforturnately, SEV doesn't have the same quality of game play as GalCiv 2. Too many features made it impossible to do so.
on Jan 29, 2008
Some good ideas here, but I'm not a big fan of cloaking. The times I've seen it suggested here, it seems to be on the basis of "wouldn't it be cool if?" or "cloaking was in X other game, movie, or TV show, so it should be in GalCiv." I'm just not sure it would add any strategic challenge to the game.

Cloaking without a countermeasure doesn't sound like much fun. It would just be an "I win" button for the race that gets it first. So there would likely be a countermeasure you could research... probably something in the sensor tech line. You'd probably research the countermeasure before the actual cloaking tech, because being jumped by a cloaked fleet could lose you planets, fast. However, once you research cloak detection, then it's neutralized and it might as well not be in the game. That's the problem with a binary measure/countermeasure setup: it's not as strategically interesting as rock/paper/scissors like the current ship weapon/defense scheme.

Anyway, that's my $.02 opinion. It just sounds like more research buywork to me, without any real strategic challenge as long as there is a countermeasure. And if there is no counter, then it could be very unbalancing.

on Jan 29, 2008
there doesn't necessarily have to be a counter measure, just a limitation.

for one, it might not be a cloak, but something that limits sensor range. You can only see it at 1/4 range (makes sense and can be "countered" by good sensor tech)

make it bulky compared to the hull (especially the larger you get). Pick 2: weapons, defenses, cloak

make it costly, especially for maintenance.

all of these will make cloaking better for either hit and run or for spying
on Jan 29, 2008
19. "More Race Specific Soldiering Options, all the invasion options are nice but id like some race specific soldiering options too, so Yor could have some big mechs, altarians some aerial bombers, terrans some big tanks etc...etc.. the invasion system (tactics aside is vsiually and available optionswise very run of the mill same for everyone."

This is the best, IMO. Tactics exclusive to certain ethical alginments would be cool, too.

For instance:

Evil civs:

Nerve Gas: This tactic suits our agenda....perfectly. Released via canisters prior to the invasion, this nerotoxin causes hallucinations, violent epileptic seizures and outright death. Sadly, it is slow to take effect, so we will still have to send down soldiers.

Acid Rain: Why blow the enemy up when it's so much more fun to melt them?

Nulear Warheads: What's old is new again. Before the invasion, we will launch these deadly weapons at the most populous cities, taking out the enemy infasturucture and causing the most damage possible to thier morale.

Neutral Civs

Blitzkrieg: Lightning warfare! By attacking in huge masses of troops and vehicles, we will disrup thier chain of command and gain an early foothold.

Orbital bombardment: Prior to the invasion, warships will orbit around the planet, bombarding it with their heavy cannons.

Fake messages: Before the invasion, we will send fake messages regarding our landing zones for the invasion. If the enemy takes the bait, we will catch by suprise and out of defencive posisions.

Good Civs

EMP Strike: Using electro-magetic pulse bombs, we can render the enemy's weapons useless, making surrenders more likely.

on Jan 30, 2008
Some good ideas here, but I'm not a big fan of cloaking. The times I've seen it suggested here, it seems to be on the basis of "wouldn't it be cool if?" or "cloaking was in X other game, movie, or TV show, so it should be in GalCiv." I'm just not sure it would add any strategic challenge to the game.

Cloaking without a countermeasure doesn't sound like much fun. It would just be an "I win" button for the race that gets it first. So there would likely be a countermeasure you could research... probably something in the sensor tech line. You'd probably research the countermeasure before the actual cloaking tech, because being jumped by a cloaked fleet could lose you planets, fast. However, once you research cloak detection, then it's neutralized and it might as well not be in the game. That's the problem with a binary measure/countermeasure setup: it's not as strategically interesting as rock/paper/scissors like the current ship weapon/defense scheme.

Anyway, that's my $.02 opinion. It just sounds like more research buywork to me, without any real strategic challenge as long as there is a countermeasure. And if there is no counter, then it could be very unbalancing.

it all depends on how cloaking is implemented, it could be done for instance so that the cloaking research opens up the ability to produce the cloaking devices, but the cloaking devices can only be placed on certain size hulls (limits availability until concurrent techs are also researched), also have a maintenance cost or specific resource in order to build them 9make that resource a map minable resource like influence, military, economy etc.. and suddenly you get race to find the resource and fights to keep it too.another dynamic), you could also put on other requirements such as a huge energy requirement to have a cloaking device meaning players have to give up valuable space for weapons order to mount a cloaking device, so it also becomes an issue of give and take. finally you could also have it so that while a ship is cloaked a la star trek shields do not count toward defence, so yes you have the advantage of being hidden but if the opposition does have the cloaking deection technology researched you run the risk of your cloaked ships being blown to smithereens a lot more easily while they are cloaked.

The cloaking detection technology AND cloaking technology should be fairly far along the tech trees too so that it isnt an issue of rushing to get detection first but an invested effort in getting either one or the other but not both very easily.

on Jan 30, 2008
23. Planetary Emplacements, something else i'd like to see beyond planetary defences providing a defence bonus is the ability to build planetary emplacements (futuristic anti aircraft guns) that can provide some limited offence against invading ships without the needs for ships to be parked at the planet. these wouldnt be much use against raiding fleets beyond putting a small dent in them but they would provide the send a single unarmed transport to the undefended world tactic. they would also be somethign else that has to be destroyed after a defending fleet on the planet (if any) has been fought before an invasion could occur

24. A use for gas giants and moons.. i mean lets face it both are technically resources, but a moon could also be used in a single mod kind of way similar to the suggested orbitals idea above to either increase population (colony on the moon) or economy (resort on the moon), research (lab facility on the moon) etc..etc..

25. More advanced options in the Trade category, we already can produce trade goods but they dont really serve much purpose except as something we can use in tech trades etc..which as they give useful bonuses means you almost never trade them to the opposition.. but what if certain researches had a requirement of access to a specific trade good that way the race to get them and importance of them becomes much greater.

26. Mines! i'd like to be able to deploy minefields around my planets that enemy ships will get damaged to pass through, or can use a minesweeping vessel to remove. Give the minefield a level of effectiveness (increaseable via new levels of mine research) with increased risk of damage and greater damage the higher level of the field which is upgradeable once ta new level of mine research is done by a constructor or minelayer vessel (possible new vessel add on option) and reduced/removed by a minesweeper vessel.

27. Native Environments, how about the race trait to only be able to dwell prosper in specific environments, so a race who can only dwell on earthlike races, Thier terraform turns those worlds to earth like worlds), or only able to dwell on aquatic or toxic worlds and thier respective terraform turns the worlds into that kind of environment. atm its all very generic everyone with the right research can dwell anywhere, terraform just unlocks all tiles and makes the world earth like.. whether or a not a race is carbon base,d silicon base,d energy based, able to breathe oxgygen only, methane only etc.etc.. never comes into it a bit more complexity in this regard as an option would be nice.
on Jan 30, 2008
28. Precursor Mysteries, another idea that occured to me is how about some hidden mysteries of the precursors be available. I.e upon colonising an unihabited world a tile is filled with a precursor relic or ruin that contains a clue that hints at another location with a relic/ruin, each relic/ruin gained is part of a puzzle which when all parts are collected opens up the option to research a lost precursor technology. the ability to reasearch these lost techs is dependant upon having all the pieces so holding on to the worlds also becomes important as it prevents the enemy from gaining access to that piece of the puzzle and therefore ability to obtain that lost tech (unless for whatever reason you choose to trade it to them) it doesnt necessarily have to be just lost tech research that these open up either but hidden precursor vessel or colonies etc.. heck you could have dread lord secrets too, evil races trying to find the clues that lead to a hidden dread lord doomsday weapon (bio-tech terror star equivelant or some such), these if successfully completed could add a chunk of victory points too making them have another dynamic in that regard and more importance in multiplayer games.
on Jan 30, 2008
29. Space Colonies, how about the ability via starbases and starbase modules to create space colonies 9space stations with biospheres, factories, etc.. all like normal colonies to some extentn but with a limited number of tiles to build modules on based on the size of the space colonies infrastructure which is increasable aalong a similar tech restriction as the level of battlestations. Space colonies could also only be built in colonies with no habitable planets, empty sectors and have a maintenance cost greater than normal colonies (so that every empty sector isnt filled)
on Jan 30, 2008

29. Space Colonies, how about the ability via starbases and starbase modules to create space colonies 9space stations with biospheres, factories, etc.. all like normal colonies to some extentn but with a limited number of tiles to build modules on based on the size of the space colonies infrastructure which is increasable aalong a similar tech restriction as the level of battlestations. Space colonies could also only be built in colonies with no habitable planets, empty sectors and have a maintenance cost greater than normal colonies (so that every empty sector isnt filled)

This would be realistic, but I don't like it as a game mechanic. It would be a license to print money, since a big chunk of your income is from population taxes.

With the current system, there are limits on where you can colonize, and how heavily (due to planet PQ limits). If you need more room you have to take it, by influence or force. I don't like this idea because it would be too easy to just fill up all available sectors with space colonies. Strategy games are more interesting when they have limits on what you can do.

on Jan 31, 2008
again, it's all about implementation. If you make the maintenance high enough it would offset the tax gained. another idea is to change the growth rate for it or the morale / pop so it is more severe than for planets.

It'd be a good way to add influence in a dead zone.
on Feb 12, 2008
What about a ship viewer?

I've always thought that ability to get to the ships you have designed is too tedious. Why not have a main menu option that sends you to a ship viewer where you can view all the ships you've designed in the game?

It seems like a simple addition that could be added before TA comes out.

on Feb 12, 2008
I hate the drudgery of sending ships across Huge and Immense maps, so I propose a new military starbase module, or even a new starbase type: Wormhole Terminus. The GalCiv equivalent of railroads in Civ. Variations on this theme have been proposed before but I think I've come up with a good balanced approach.

Build one terminus somewhere convenient in your territory, another near the front lines. Ships entering one end appear at the other next turn. There could be several levels of tech allowing increased maximum distance between terminals, and larger transport capacity (measured in logistics points).

For balance purposes, once two wormhole gates are linked they would remain so, if you needed a wormhole at a new destination you'd have to build new starbases on each end. Perhaps there could be a small chance of the fleets being lost in transit, or the wormhole collapsing entirely to make it somewhat of a risk, kind of like how in Civ a nuclear reactor provides lots of power with a small chance of a meltdown. Maybe even a limit on the total amount of traffic a wormhole can transport (measured in logistics points) before the wormhole becomes defunct. This could regenerate slowly like HP or be replenished by a module like the starbase hull repair kit.

There could also be a Galactic Achievement that would allow construction of a Wormhole Nexus, a supergate that would allow ships entering to exit at any gate owned by the player.
on Jul 01, 2008

1-Atmosphere .
2-Clases by Races .
3-Buildings .
4- Trade
5- Star base.
6-StarGates .
7-Space Jumps .
8-Spaceship Class`.
9- Planet invasion .
10-Black Hole .
11-Solar System Rebuild .


1 All races mast have random atmosphere Humans – Oxygen , Drengins – Methane ,
Krynn Consulate – dioxide , Yor Collective its machine race they don’t need atmosphere . Etc. or other.

All races have unique atmosphere and they will been make this on all planets , what they colonise .
Need special technologies and buildings for this , terraforming and building converter of atmosphere ( he make all atmosphere on planet for 10-15 years , suitable to breathing ) . On land where uniting atmosphere population grows quicker .

Wher atmosphere terraform ended need what he been beaty

This ideas which I not so has well thought over.

2-Clases by Races


And need Any Classes by Races .

Humans ---- biological form to life’s.
Drengins --- biological form to life’s.


Yor Collective --- mechanical form to life’s .

And other forms mb Energy , crystals . With their plus and minus .

So for Example

1 biological ++ population , -- strength , subject to disease , but ++ protection from electromagnetic pulse . Etc .

2 mechanical – population , ++ strength , protection from diseases , but -- protection from electromagnetic pulse.

3 energy I don’t have more ideas about this . mb ++ weapons , -- population , can live only in approach sources to energy ( like Uranus , Pluto and other ) or they make special fabric for duplication .

4 crystals –population , ++studies , protection from diseases , protection from electromagnetic pulse , but -- sound influence .

Versus each race need special weapons .

biological – energy weapons

mechanical - electromagnetic pulse weapons .

crystals - sound influence weapons

energy special weapons which absorbs energy J

Certainly progress does not cost on place , and opening new technology gives new possibilities like defense and attack .

Ofc 100 percent need random class races , and random atmosphere planet .

Colonization that I think about atmosphere I have wrote above.

But player mast can colonize all planet with 0 class and terraform atmosphere and when he will open special technologies , he can will be able to perfect ambience of the residence.

Some planet have fcompanion (satellite) like Earth . Moon . we mast use this .
Fcompanion (satellite) very nice for defense planet where live player . 4 or 5 hutches for construction
and max population 400 500 millions . hutches only for defense and attack . Moon like military base economy and influence , so space Port .

So I has written all what think about Colonization .

3-Buildings .

All planet mast have 4 5 special hutches for defense attack and recruiting .

Defense – Planet shield not a dream on 2230 year . He defense planet versus rocket and planetary bombing. Ofc this shield can make after research special technology .  On Planet what have shield needs special badge , shield must comply with colors of the race , and be beautiful around planet 

Set in regular army – planet mast have regular army for defence where enemy make invasion.

And special school for education soldier and pilots .


Attack – anti invasion when some transports fly on planet he can destroy some and kill solider .

So mast say some words about army

Civilization have some class people , workers , solider , old and young people 7 8 or 60 70 years  we cant give weapon a kind and say go and fight . Planet mast have regular army 1000 b mb or more 

soldiers mast been all game and have their experience and if they win in fight they mast have more levels for attack defense .

(for learning new soldier it is necessary time )

Personal for spaceship if planet have star port for production spaceship , we mast build , special school for pilots . Worker can not control spaceships 

Pilots too mast have experience ( like soldiers) if they win , or they die  . So when I deconstruct spaceships pilots not die and they go on new spaceship with their experience .like in live 

So planet mast have 4 production not only military , social and research need economic .
And all people who work on this production mast have experience and work better if they level high.

4- Trade

Barter mast been about all planets in Civilization .

Mb he give +10 % for economic planet or this only for beauty .

And we mast see like small transports carry goods for population .

Barter can make player or this been automatic if this been automatic this mast been only for beauty.

If make player mast give + 10 % economic for this planet . and only 1 trade route for planets which already united. But we can add new trade route for new planets .

5- Star base
Need population and personal on star base if this base big population on here can been 300 400 millions .

For economic or influence

Influence mast been big this a giant school for spreading the culture and mast have more people 2 - 3 b.

All star base races must differ.

If I make Economical base for trade

He can unite several planets in united network and make economics better . Ofc we mast see like small transports fly from planet to base.

Terror star mast attack 2 or 3 move planet or sun . not beautifully when she approaches in thick .
Star Gates

In game need Star Gates Big terror star cant use his attacking potential .

For Use star gates need .

1 Build start gates .
2 Special resource energy .

1 sector 1000 energy , 2 sector 2000 .Etc.

Player can unite several Star Gates in united network . New agreements available.

Star Gates use with other race. If our Star Gates united network better , they mast pay money for use our star gates and conversely.

For mining the energy , we can make new Star base , space solar power stations .

When we research special technology we can upgrade our star gates (with constructors ) and space solar power stations , use less energy and production more energy .

7-Space Jumps

Terror Star mast have space jump .

1 sector 1500 k energy , 2 sector 2500 because , we don’t have star gate need more energy .

And need special technology for this and modules on terror star .

If Spaceship have jump too , need new modules on star base anti space jump he blocked space jump on sector .

Been good if big Spaceship can jump too.

Need new Spaceship Class aircraft carrier he can carry small fighters and bombing.

and jumping with this.

(Aircraft carrier , Terror Star , Dreadnought , Giant Troop Transport )<---Spaceship who can jumping .

New agreements available. Free border. when star base not blocked our space jumps.

8-Spaceship Class

In last game when technology level high player don’t use fighters use only Dreadnought . This wrong.
Need Special Class for 1 Class good vs other , other vs other . 

So faster bombing 4 or 5 in real live destroy clumsy Dreadnought.

Vs bombing need fighters . Vs fighters zenithal Spaceship. Etc

Ofc. giant Dreadnought crazy weapon but need some class for battle.

Need Spaceship better then Dreadnought in gal civ 1 , i member been better Spaceship

9- Planet invasion
Need Giant Troop Transport for 5 b solider for Planet invasion. (available on high technology level )

Need 2 Transport Class Military and Civil.

On start Planet invasion we can use small transports .

He not sits on planet , but he can bombing , when small transports they are separated from it(they can sits on planet).

when planet invasion over . ( we mast kill only Soldiers , not all civil population )

We can think what to do the race who lose .

several variants.

Kill all and attach to its empires .+ for evil nature .( after this need transport with civil population )

build camp for slave + evil nature .

attach to its empires + good nature ( empire big and mast includes much different races )

ofc ( races differ and we must solve this problem ), ofc Humans must dominate on galaxy

give independence + good nature (new small race is formed )

give time to abandon planet + to balance nature .

In high level technology we can create new soldier in transport , clone factories or other with other races . Soldiers must get experience and grow stronger .

Some bugs mast fixed on planet where no water we can not create storm .

10-Black Hole

Black Hole . No 1 know what in black hole .

Mb this portal to other worlds .

Been good when we research special technology we can make journey in black hole . and see what on that side black hole new small galaxy not big 3 4 sectors with 2 3 or 1 race technology for use black hole need available earlier for this race and he can colonize other worlds .

11-Solar System Rebuild . . .

Terror star can destroy , we mast can rebuild again need special resource energy.

1 stading build small planet ( random atmosphere ).

2 Good planet ( atmosphere suitable to breathing of the selected race ).

3 Sun.

4 New solar System.

All planets in Solar System mast move around the Sun . (player can Rename Sun and all planets how he like )

12-Policy .

Player can offer in in galactic advice.

And can make political pressure , on other .

So end

Need more technology . races . anomalies. And other . Need more small races . and player mast can make what he need 8 9 10 or 20 . In immense galaxy 40 small races been good . Ofc need new Galaxy biggest then Immense. Y 1 game on this galaxy been like 1 week in real life

Been better if not been small or great races .

Humans too small race in start game but when we colonize more planets and our economic been better we have more power and later been stronger race. us begin to respect others.

p.s Sorry my terrible english.

Have some Image what i make but here cant give TT in image better understand what i think about new idias .

I send this on e-mail ( ) mb gameworkers read my mail now play in Twilight or Arnor and w new addon:)

Dont read what have written other players.

I did not concern with plagiarism. Its only my idias mb bad . . .

Update - Space Jumps , Policy , and some other ideas.
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